August 28, 2010

Monki Store Amsterdam

So, I'm going to amsterdam today. My boyfriend :hearts: is coming too!
And I will check out the new Monki store tomorrow! I hope they got these t-shirts.
Especially the 'stars' one, i've been looking for some time!


It's still summer, but it doesn't look like summer right Dutchies? Rain, rain, rain everywhere.
Well, I hope that it's not gonna rain ALL day tomorrow.

Have a nice weekend! xoxo

4 reactions:

fashion flavours said...

ugh, ja het lijkt hier af en toe wel herfst, ook zo koud! D:
Ik zat gisteren ook even op die monki site te kijken, en ik werd ik verliefd op dat t-shirt met die sterren haha! x

Anonymous said...

Heel leuk!

Phuong said...

hoe was het cath?? Zie je morgen ;)

Niko Bulaun said...

ohhhh i like the &-shirt! nice!
